
I’m the Boss of Me

People like to complain about things and seem to be content being armchair activists while filling their brains with “reality” television and celebrity gossip. Though when things are against your beliefs and hurt your soul, it’s time to do something. By filling your realm with joy, love, music, art, beauty, and knowledge you begin to I’m the Boss of Me

Boomerang of Love

The Most Important legacy you can leave, is how you’ve treated others. As the saying goes, people may not remember what you wore, or how you sounded, tho they will remember how you made them feel. Treat others as you would want to be treated. Fill others up with a spirit so strong and positive Boomerang of Love

Reunited and it Feels So Good!

Reconnecting with those I’ve met with in the past is always so special.  Knowing that out of all the companions they could choose to see, they would like to spend time with me again is quite rewarding indeed.  I feel fortunate that this tends to be the norm with gentlemen I meet.  Our friendship will Reunited and it Feels So Good!

A Rebel’s Random Ramblings

I’m an animal lover, a champion of the underdog, and a staunch supporter of random acts of kindness. I think doing charity work is important and necessary for one and all to engage in.  I think this should get involved in helping your community thrive. Giving your time and energy to others is rewarding. Smiling A Rebel’s Random Ramblings

The Secret Squirrel Society

It is no accident that my online persona is Samantha Sommers. The creation of my name is all so simple, yet it is deeply complex. I love alliteration…the smooth sound of letters coming together to form similar sounds truly pleases my ear. I love the redundancy of alliteration…the echo of those sounds repeating makes for The Secret Squirrel Society

Nervous Nerds

Believe it or not, I am generally a shy and pretty reserved person. I’m not going to be the center of attention at any party or event. I like to remain in the background. I’m the sponge soaking it all in from beyond the parameters of the nucleus. In the past, I have felt the Nervous Nerds