Picture of Samantha Sommers Journal

Samantha Sommers Journal

Communication and Inspiration on Deeper Levels

Time and again, new suitors will ask me if I have a career other than as a gentleman’s companion.

Usually I answer no. It’s such an involved answer, it seems easier this way.

However, I have been thinking about that more in depth, and actually the answer is a resounding yes.

I am always working to continue making myself better and more complete both in my personal and in my professional life. I am always seeking and finding inspiration, even in people and places I never would have dreamed or necessarily focused on in the past. I try to fill my mind with positive thoughts only. I choose to spend my time only with those who are positive in their words and deeds and actions. I work out with my Pilates trainer regularly and I eat fresh, organic, healthy foods daily. I read, meditate and reflect on my goals, thoughts, and actions. I feel like it is my duty as a spiritual being on this earth to continue to learn and grow in all areas of my life. I aim to be the best I can be…this varies from day to day, just like everybody else 😉 . Of course, this type of focus and dedication extends into my life as a provider also.

In doing all of these things I feel more of a flow and ease in my day to day life; I feel like I will be able to understand myself and others much better by remaining connected to all arenas of life. I enjoy gentlemen who share my passion for passion and mutual connection. I absorb so much more when someone shares their life experiences and stories with me than when they are rushed to disrobe. Untold treasures are available to us all if we take the time to listen and to care.

My hope when someone chooses to share time with me is that they come away from the time shared together energized and motivated and inspired.

I often advertise that I want to help others connect their bodies with their minds and spirits. Some gentlemen are able to understand and relate, while others may think I am on some new age trip or “out there”. While I am aware that the initial reason a gentleman chooses to contact a paid companion is for the physical, I wholeheartedly believe that I have much more to offer.

If given the time and the opportunity, I feel that two individuals can share thoughts, ideas, experiences, and concepts that can lead us to enjoying a mutually powerful time together. After all, we are all human beings with wants, needs, and desires. Don’t you want to connect with people that you meet, and feel special? Personally, I like to feel understood, wanted, needed, and a part of something great, even if we only spend a short while together. I know that this increases my passionate appetites beyond what I had anticipated.

We are all creatures comprised of energy. I find it very necessary to always be aware of my energy. I think it is important to convey positivity in every word, deed, and action. I believe it takes much more than sexy underthings and sweet smelling lotions and potions to be a provider. I think making someone feel good involves stroking the ego as much as it involves stroking their skin. I’m not talking about fake compliments and plastic smiles. I don’t mean exaggerating truths. I’m talking about taking the time to make someone feel that they are special and admired for who they are and what they have to offer. Everyone enjoys hearing about the positive effect they have on others; I get to read fantasy reviews and know that I played a part in making someone feel extraordinary in my presence. So naturally when I notice something outstanding in a man, I like to tell him!

I enjoy being present in the moment and offering my best self no matter where I am or who I am with. I think energy exchanges can be extremely fulfilling if two people are connected beyond the physical. It just takes a bit of time and effort. We are all rushing around in our day to day lives. When getting together with a gentlemen, my hope is to make the rest of the world fade away and focus on our shared moments.

Have you ever been chatting with someone and you can tell that they are not really listening, that they are not really present? Perhaps they have a faraway look in their eye, or are completely immersed in their smart phone or the television or the people around you… Have you ever noticed that the other person can hardly wait for you to stop talking so that they can then talk about themselves?; yet they didn’t even acknowledge your words? Of course you have. Everyone’s favorite topic is to talk about themselves. That is wonderful and valid, though what if everyone gave you their full attention and asked questions rather than immediately started focusing on their own story? I think we would all learn a lot from one another and about ourselves in doing so.

Wouldn’t you feel important? I know I do when that happens to me. And, honestly I’ve never met someone who doesn’t like to feel important!

My hope is to be the best listener and communicator possible with everyone I encounter; and to be able to meet and exceed the amorous needs a gentleman has while in my company too~though it’s best if those planning to spend time with me know that it is simply my nature to extend myself beyond just being a naked goddess in your bedroom~ha!

I’ve learned so much along the way from my hobbyist friends. And, I thank each and every one of you who have been a part of my journey and who have inspired me, perhaps without even knowing.


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