A gal pal of mine has decided, after 7 years, to move out of the state of Nevada. Her move is a catalyst for me to think deeply about myself and living in this fair city. I cannot recall how many times I have heard people complain about Las Vegas and think this city is the root of all of their problems. This city is to blame for gambling problems, emotional issues, failed relationships, shady friendships, drug and drinking addictions, infidelities, the demise of morals…you get the idea…
However, I don’t feel that way. In fact, it is poor logic to blame the city for one’s failures, trials, weaknesses and/or vices. Las Vegas as a city, has not made any one person behave poorly, nor has it caused the demise of all that is good in one’s life. For some reason, when people misbehave or fall apart here, they blame it on their surroundings. In reality, if one is going to behave badly or “lose their marbles” they will do it no matter where they reside or visit, period.
I am proud to live in this small, yet extremely dynamic city. This city and some of it’s inhabitants have been kind to me. In return, I have been kind to the dear ones I am honored to call friends. Most importantly, I have been kind to myself while I’ve lived here and been involved in this subculture.
I was born and raised in the Mitten State and lived on the island of Oahu briefly before settling here. I relish in the fact that I have made this my home for nearly a decade. I have established a solid core group of friends whom I have been able to count on, trust, and enjoy many wonderful experiences with.
Though my soul is deeply entrenched with Midwestern values and beliefs and in what I still lovingly call “home”, I find myself able to embrace wonderful people from all parts of the world and from various walks of life. With a diverse group of neighbors from all regions of the world, to the 3 million visitors per month that this city hosts, there is quite a lot of excitement. It is vastly different from where I was born and raised, yet I have an equal love and passion for this wonderful desert.
In this chapter of my life as a provider, I have been frustrated with those that deem paid companions as individuals with a poor set of morals or values. Regardless of how one makes their living, sub-par humans may be found in all walks of life. Regardless of what one may think about our country’s current state of affairs, its seems obvious that those we have left in charge of our health and wealth have taken advantage of and hurt us to our very core. Yet these people are the ones we are taught to look up to and trust. And the ones who help us to soothe our hearts and souls are the one we are meant to watch carefully. It’s comical really.
And, so we escorts are blamed for the demise of the institution of marriage. We are blamed for things that we can not possibly control like drug use and other various forms of weak behavior. However, I feel like we are the ones that are able to help others pick up some pieces of their puzzle and begin to feel whole again. Something as simple as the touch and attention of another human being can be beyond powerful. Our actions, together, can serve to unite the body with the mind and the spirit again.
Ladies who share their time in this realm are able to validate that hobbyists are genuine and desirable and beautiful; we are able to validate that they are not strange for wanting the attention and time and focus of a beautiful woman. I am often surprised at the depth of genuine interest I feel when conversing with someone I’ve only just met…and equally humbled by the authentic responses I receive from those who care enough to find out about me too; the gentlemen who care to know about the lady beyond the persona.
I see our role as providers as a gift that gives both to the ladies and to the gentlemen. We have the ability to make others feel emotions and sensations that sometimes get lost in the shuffling of the hands we are dealt in this game of life.
I am constantly amazed that a virtual stranger can touch me to my very core with their kind words, gestures, and trust. The experiences that are shared in a private world are priceless and sometimes it is difficult to put into words how they can shape both of our lives in extremely positive ways.
I am still blown away that someone is nervously awaiting my arrival. I am still grateful for those who tell me that I make them feel young again or complete again. I am so honored when someone remembers a conversation that we shared; or when someone takes the time to ask me how I am doing, or that they share with me how one of my blogs made them feel. I feel very special when some drop me a line from time to time to tell me they thought of me during their travels, or when they send me a link to something they think I may enjoy, whether it be music or positive motivation. I am constantly humbled by the high esteem in which others hold The SSE.
We are a unique group of individuals that make this subculture what it is.
I don’t blame other’s choices to be unfocused or to fall prey to the pitfalls of life in Las Vegas or in enjoying the company of a lady to be the reason for the unraveling of their lives. Choices are just that. We all have the freedom to choose the company we keep and the type of individual we want to be in this world.
I choose to be a Lady who believes that great things happen to people who keep a positive mindset. I believe in karma and kismet.
I think life is a beautiful journey that may not always present a smooth path to trod upon, though it’s full of powerful lessons in every breath and step we take. If we embrace where we are and who we are with and live in the moment, I know that anything is possible!