Picture of Samantha Sommers Journal

Samantha Sommers Journal

The Importance of Making Time to Pursue Pleasure

Abraham Lincoln nobly stated, “it is not the years in your life that count, but the LIFE in your years”. Taking time to enjoy the pleasure in life can prove to be quite a task at times. Life is full of mundane and monotonous chores that are necessary. However, while one is navigating through the day to day, it is important not to forget that we are here to experience joy and to fill each day with some sort of enthusiasm and/or “sparkle”.

We, as humans, are separated from the brute animal simply because we possess free will and intellect. It is important to remember this truth and in doing so, let us not forget to utilize these gifts that were bestowed upon the human race. Who are we not to enjoy all of these days, or at the very least, set aside brief moments within them to fill with inspiration, laughter, and exhilaration? Who are we not to make choices that are inclusive of rapture, intensity, ecstasy, and passion?

As a private companion there are a few major points of pride that I hold dear. The pure excitement, merriment, and fulfillment that I mutually share with a man is limitless and beyond common reasoning at times. Together we are uplifted as we connect with our minds and our bodies.

I truly adore the company of a gentleman. I especially enjoy men who set aside the time for themselves to seek enjoyment. They may not even be aware that by contacting me they are making a choice to celebrate life, beauty, and fantasy. Nonetheless we both end up impacting one another in an extremely carnal yet cerebral and pure way.

When I am told that I am being invited to share in the celebration of a special occasion of any nature I am flattered beyond description. The invitation surpasses my humble expectations and makes me feel that my role as a companion is even more vital than I had ever suspected.

Each situation is delicate and special and uplifts me to know that I am needed as much as I am wanted. Ultimately, each soul who contacts me is doing so because they are on a quest for a full life and that in itself inspires and energizes me.

I enjoy relaxing and being in the moment with a gentleman. Feeling one another’s caress on smooth skin, inhaling each other’s unique scents, focusing on and thinking of no one else’s delight\but our own…it surely is magical.

My goal as a provider is to secure a place in time where it is just the two of us and we are all that matters. I want a man in my care to feel as special and desired as he makes me feel. How amazing is the feeling when someone craves you as much as you crave them?! When we allow the day to day world to fade away and melt into one another we have succeeded in knowing what desire, happiness, and gratification are all about. We will begin to notice that we have lighter thoughts and feel the rewarding sensations of bliss take over and consume our entire beings.

Be assured that I freely yet carefully choose whom to share my time with and, I thank each individual who has accompanied me on this grand journey and made me smile right along with you.

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